Rated GOOD by MOE inspection 2023-24

Career and Guidance

At Diyar Private Academy, we understand that the process of transitioning from high school to university can be both daunting and exciting. Career guidance plays a crucial role in helping students navigate this journey by becoming more self-aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and interests, enabling them to make informed career choices.

Our career guidance initiatives are designed to empower students to take ownership of their career paths by providing them with the necessary information about various career pathways. Some of these initiatives include:

Choosing an Elective: Starting from grade 9, students are given opportunities to select subjects based on their interests. Teachers provide relevant information about elective subjects and associated career options, ensuring that students make well-informed choices.

Graduation Requirements: We ensure that our students are equipped with thorough information regarding the requirements for graduating from high school. This encompasses not only academic criteria but also testing requirements such as the SAT, Emsat, IELTS, and other benchmark assessments. Our students receive comprehensive guidance on the process of obtaining equivalency for their diploma upon completion of high school. We prioritize transparency and clarity in communicating these graduation requirements to ensure that every student is well-prepared for their post-secondary endeavors.

Career Tests: For students unsure about which university courses align with their interests, we conduct career tests. These tests include a personality assessment linked with a career interest inventory, helping students gain insights into themselves and their passions.

SAT and Emsat Support: Our school serves as an accredited SAT testing centre, offering assistance to students who opt to take the SAT. Additionally, we provide after-school SAT and Emsat classes for high school students to enhance their preparation.

School Events: External school events help expose students to diverse career options beyond the traditional school curriculum. Students also have opportunities to participate in external competitions and events such as Model United Nations, Robotics competitions and National Science Technology and Innovation Festival, fostering their global awareness. We organize a variety of extracurricular events and after school activities to broaden students' horizons and enrich their learning experiences.

Personalized Career Counseling: Our career guidance counselor offers personalized support tailored to the individual needs of each high school student. From researching university admission requirements to scholarship opportunities and benchmark assessment, students receive guidance and assistance every step of the way.

Through these comprehensive initiatives, we strive to empower our students to confidently navigate their academic and career paths, ultimately taking charge of their future.